Nature Made vs Now Vitamins: Which is the Better Choice?

Deciding on the right supplements for your lifestyle can be confusing and overwhelming.

When it comes to vitamins, two of the most popular brands are Now Vitamins and Nature Made. When making a decision, it is important to educate yourself on what each company has to offer.

Now Vitamins specializes in natural supplements that include herbal ingredients.Their vitamins are made up of raw herbs, seeds and roots without added preservatives or fillers. This simplifies the breakdown of nutrients and makes them easier for the body to absorb.

Nature Made, on the other hand, uses an advanced manufacturing process to breakdown vitamins and minerals for better absorption. They apply a disintegration process and controlled high heat which helps increase the amount of nutrients that reach the cells. This type of process does involve the use of some chemicals, giving Nature Made an edge for those that excel with synthetic vitamins.

Overall, both brands are worth considering when it comes to taking vitamins as part of your daily routine. Now Vitamins offers products that are easier to break down while Nature Made provides a chemically-based option that can reach the cells more easily. It helps to take the time to research and talk to a doctor to decide which is the right option for you.