Halls Minis vs CVS Cough Drops: Which are Better?

Halls Minis and CVS Cough Drops are two options for relieving a sore throat. Both have their advantages, as well as their drawbacks. It really comes down to personal preference as to which one is the better choice.

Halls Minis contain less sugar than CVS Cough Drops, making them a better choice for those looking to limit their sugar intake. Also, the menthol-flavored Minis provide a unique cooling sensation that many people find refreshing. On the other hand, Halls Minis are not as widely available as CVS Cough Drops and their small size packs less of a punch when treating a sore throat.

Meanwhile, CVS Cough Drops are widely available, making them a great option for those who need quickly need relief. Moreover, they provide a great burst of flavor and contain more sugar than Halls Minis, making them a great pick-me-up when feeling under the weather. However, since they contain quite a bit of sugar, CVS Cough Drops are not the best option for those who are counting their sugar intake.

In conclusion, Halls Minis and CVS Cough Drops both have their pros and cons when it comes to treating a sore throat. It really comes down to personal preference as to which one is the better choice. The additional factors to consider are sugar intake and convenience of availability.