Comparing LIC Jeevan Anand Vs LIC Suraksha

LIC Jeevan Anand and LIC Suraksha are two of the most popular plans offered by Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of India. Both plans ensure that a person’s family is financially taken care of in case of any untoward incidents, such as death of the policy holder or disability caused due to accident or ill health.

LIC Jeevan Anand is a savings and protection oriented life insurance plan that offers a high risk cover for the policyholder’s family, as the sum assured is paid out even if the policyholder outlived the policy term. Additionally, it has a special feature of survival benefits being paid regularly irrespective of whether death occurs during the term of the policy or not.

On the other hand, LIC Suraksha is a term insurance plan. Death benefit is the only benefit provided in this plan. It offers a lump sum amount to the life assured if death occurs during the policy term. However, if the policyholder survives the policy term, no benefit is payable.

Both the plans have different features which make them appropriate for different stages of life. LIC Jeevan Anand may be ideal for individuals who are looking for a plan that provides both death benefit and survival benefits while LIC Suraksha can be perfect for people looking for a basic pure term insurance plan that covers death risk associated with life.