Comparing Philips Sonicare 3100 vs Oral B Pro-1

Are you trying to decide whether to buy a Philips Sonicare 3100 or an Oral B Pro-1 electric toothbrush? Here we'll break down the features and specs of each model to help you make your decision.

The Philips Sonicare 3100 is the entry-level model in the Sonicare range. It has a powerful sonic motion, a two-minute timer and a QuadPacer to help you clean your entire mouth in two minutes. It comes with two brush heads and a hygienic travel cap.

The Oral B Pro-1 is a great choice for an electric toothbrush. It also has a powerful sonic motion, a two-minute timer and a QuadPacer to break up brushing time into four sections. It comes with a charging stand, two brush heads and a hygienic travel cover. Additionally, it has eight brush settings to choose from, making it more customizable than the Sonicare 3100.

In terms of battery life, the Philips Sonicare 3100 has a 14-day battery life, while the Oral B Pro-1 has a 21-day battery life. The Philips Sonicare 3100 is also a bit lighter in weight and is more affordable.

In conclusion, if you are looking for an affordable option that has the features you need, the Philips Sonicare 3100 is a great choice. However, if you want a more customizable experience and a longer battery life, then the Oral B Pro-1 is the better choice