2023 vs 2032: A Comparison of Societal Changes

In the span of 10 years, our world has changed drastically. From the technology we use to the way we view the world, society is ever-evolving and 10 years made a huge difference. In this article, we compare how society looked in 2023 to how it looks in 2032.

Technology is at the forefront of 2032. Automation is taking over more and more manual labor tasks, artificial intelligence is now a commonplace tool and identify verification is now done in the blink of an eye. Social media platforms, while still existing, are used to a much lesser degree with people preferring to talk to each other in person.

In 2023, those same technologies weren't so frequently used. There was much less automation with manual labor still being the primary method of completing tasks. Artificial intelligence wasn't as commonplace as it currently is with much fewer practical applications. Social media mostly served for entertainment with occasional practical use.

10 years made a massive difference with technology absolutely taking the lead. Automation has taken over several manual labor tasks, however, the people employed before the automation took over were able to transition to other sectors where those new skills were more useful. AI is now used in several different aspects of our lives from healthcare to transportation. It's become so commonplace, it's almost taken for granted. Social media still exists, however, it happens to a much lesser degree with people preferring physical interaction.

This article compared 2023 to 2032 and the changes that have occurred between the two years. Technology is at the forefront of 2032 and it has made a drastic change on how we live, interact, and use technology. Automation, AI, and social media have also drastically changed in the span of 10 years. Overall, these changes have made great advancements for our society.